Hyaluronic acid is a natural hydrophilic component of the skin and its most important function is to collect and retain water. It is usually a biotechnology product, or can be collected as an extract of natural substances.
Thus, as a natural product it does not cause allergy problems (only in exceptional circumstances there are some problems) or other adverse effects regardless of the form it is used in. It consists a very good solution for the increase of the volume of the lips, the cheeks, as well as for the “filling” of deep wrinkles.
Contact the practice of the dermatologist Maria Vogiatzi, in Thessaloniki, in order to make an appointment for a highly effective hyaluronic acid implant treatment.

Hyalouronic acis is a natural hydrophilic substance of the skin and its most important function is to accept and keep up water.It is often a product of biotechnology and is an extract of natural substances. As a natural product it does not cause allergies ( but only at very exceptional cases) or other adverse reactions when it is used in any form.It is a very good solution for lip enhancement, increase of the cheeks and lips volume and filling the deep wrinkles.
In contrast with the other fillers, hyalouronic acid is a non – animal product which practically means that there is no danger of disease contamination or allergic reaction to it.Additionally, the duration of this product is more than collagen or fat and the results are maintained from 8 to more than 12 months.
You must avoid the use of aspirin,,vitamin E complements and other drugs because there is more possibility to bleed. The treatment is short.The doctor injects with a small needle the material inside the dermis and gives it the shape he wants.The material increases the volume under the wrinkles which are impressively improved.The skin becomes smoother.The material fills the cheeks and the chin, gives the lost volume and the face becomes more round and symmetric.It gives volume to the lips, it corrects the shape of the face and these become more beautiful.
There is a small pain during the session as a syringe is used.Before the session, an anaesthetic cream is applied or a topical anaesthetic is injected in order to relieve the disturbance.The treatment lasts no more than 20 minutes.
The results are immediately visible.The areas that are filled may swell or become red but these phenomena last no more than 1-2 days.The results last more than 6 months, even more than a year.The improvement depends on the age of the patient,the skin type and the daily activities.Many patients choose to repeat the session before the results of the previous session fade away in order to maintain a permanent improvement.
The patient who has good psychological and physical health and who wants to improve his or her face, who has deep wrinkles,small lips and who lost the normal fat from his/her face.The patient who is realistic,who wants a younger and fresh appearance and who is properly informed for the result that has to expect.
Report to your doctor the allergies you have and the medicines you take. Follow your doctor’s advice about smoking, nutrition and the need for taking vitamins. Avoid aspirin for 2 weeks before the treatment.
There are no severe adverse reactions on the face.Usually there is a small swelling and a redness but these fade away after 1-2 days.Rare cases of allergy to the material in a small percentage of population was reported.