At the practice of the dermatologist Maria Vogiatzi in Thessaloniki we use the most modern BOTOX methods, in order to treat permanently all the signs of aging.
ΒΟΤΟΧ is possibly the most famous method of treatment of aging and wrinkles today. Only in 2005 and only in the United States of America, it is estimated that 3.3 million ΒΟΤΟΧ treatments have been performed – a number that represents a 16% increase, compared to 2004.
Contact immediately the practice of the dermatologist Maria Vogiatzi, in order to make an appointment for a highly effective BOTOX treatment.

BOTOX is the most widespread method of facing the wrinkles and ageing today.It is impressive that in 2005 in USA 3,3 million therapies of BOTOX were done.This is 16% more than 2004.BOTOX consists of a protein which is produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum.It is a non – surgical method for facing the wrinkles of face and neck in patients between ages 18 – 70 years old.Its therapeutical effect on improving the face wrinkles was discovered by accident because its initial use was for blepharospasm and neck stiffness.Patients with blepharospasm treated with BOTOX noticed an improvement of the wrinkles around their eyes and between their eyebrows.
Its action is to inhibit the release of acetylocholin in neuromuscular junctions and thus it inhibits the transfer of the neural stimuli to the injected muscles.As a consequence, the wrinkles caused by the contraction of these muscles are improved.
Minimal doses of BOTOX are injected.The treatment lasts no more than 20 minutes and is relatively painless and absolutely acceptable by the patients.Rarely the application of an anaesthetic cream is required just before the treatment. The patient for a few hours after the treatment must not lie or rub the treated area in order to avoid the diffusion of the product in non – injectable areas.The patient must also avoid the exposure to a very hot environment for several days after the treatment.
It can be combined with the other therapies for face rejuvenation without any problems and after a very careful evaluation of the patient.These therapies include hyalouronic fillers or collagen,the invasive or non- invasive treatments with laser,the peelings and the surgical therapy ( lifting, blepharoplasty ).
Another important use of BOTOX is the hyperhidrosis of axilla and palmar and plantar hyperhidrosis when it can not be faced effectively with topical creams or solutions.In many cases, hyperhidrosis causes serious social problems , such as cacosmia, inability of shaking of the hands or daily activities and clothes ‘ and shoes’ damage.BOTOX inhibits the release of acetylocholine which affects sweat production.The treatment is easy, fast and is done with small injections.Its duration is no more than 15 minutes,it relieves the patient from his problems and is repeated every 6 months.
BOTOX must not be applied in patients with hypersensitivity to the product or patients who suffer from serious neuromuscular diseases , such as myasthenia.It must be avoided in pregnant and suckling women.
The adverse reactions are very rare and include little nausea,and topical phenomena such as localized pain or inflammation and small bruises on injectable areas.There is no blepharoptosis when the application is done by an expert dermatologist but even if this happens, it can be reversed completely in a few days with a special collyrium. BOTOX has already approval for cosmetologic reasons from FDA (Food and Drug Administration ) which is the biggest organization controlling the distribution of food and drugs worldwide.