At our practice we perform face lift treatment with PDO COG THREADS. These threads are different than the simple conventional ones as they have tiny cogs on their surface.
With the use of the state-of-the-art APOGEE ELITE LASER by CYNOSURE and with the use of the Nd YAG, regeneration of the skin is achieved through the activation of fibroblasts …
Hyaluronic acid is a natural hydrophilic component of the skin and its most important function is that it collects and retains water. It is usually a biotechnology product or can be collected as extract of natural substances.
Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive method. Conventional or not drugs, vitamins, metals , aminoacids and other substances relevant with the problem of the skin are injected.
At our practice, bloodless blepharoplasty is applied, which uses the plasma technology. This method uses a small electric arc that looks like a small lightning (ionized gas).